Meet Kazuwitonze, a female ref who commands authority on and off the pitch

Gisele Kazuwitonze was one of the best referees in this year’s Labour Day handball tournament held early this month.

Friday, May 30, 2014
Gisele Kazuwitonze, right, inspects the teams before a menu2019s league game last season. File Photo

Gisele Kazuwitonze was one of the best referees in this year’s Labour Day handball tournament held early this month.

Watching her officiating at a match, you would mistake her for someone in her mid 30s or early 40s, yet she is just 23 years old.

Kazuwitonze has defied odds and made her name as of the most respected referees in Rwandan handball. She officiates in both the men and women national championships.

Kazuwitonze was born on September 1, 1990 in Kicukiro District to Prudence Kazabavaho and Marie Claire Mukakarangwa.

Saturday Sport interviewed her about her life on and off the field and below are the excerpts.

When did you realise you had potential to be a sportswoman?

Just like any other child at home, I was a playful kid interested in sports. One day my mother suggested that I should be a footballer and her wish came to pass when I started school.

In primary school I was a very good footballer though I did not play for the school team but my teachers expected me to one day be a great footballer.

My love for sports grew and when I joined the University I decided to major in Physical Education at the University of Rwanda College of Education (formerly Kigali Institute of Education), which entails things like officiating matches and other philosophies of sports.

Does it mean you can also officiate at every kind of sport?

Why not, I am a national handball referee, I have officiated basketball before and I’m also on the referees committee for the basketball federation.

I can as well officiate at football matches though I have not had a chance to do so. Given the opportunity, I can fully officiate without any fear or compromise.

When did you start officiating and how many matches have you officiated since you started your career?

They are very many. I can’t remember all because every season I officiate. I started in 2012.

How was your first match experience?

That was the most challenging situation I had ever encountered. You are never sure about the decisions that you make even when they are real. You get scared every time a player complains but with time you start to gain confidence and you are able to stand by your decisions.

How is handball in comparison to other sports?

Well, handball does not require a lot of money like other sports; it however requires players with a lot of skills especially dribbling using hands. Just like other sports, it also requires physical fitness and outstanding discipline.

Why is handball not so popular in Rwanda?

Handball was originally a game that was considered to be for the rural dwellers. When the Germans introduced it in the country in the early 1980s, it started in upcountry schools (Group Scolaire de la Salle in Ngoma district and Group Scolaire Zaza in Gicumbi district). It was unheard of in Kigali

The federation lacks the finances to efficiently manage the competitions, and also the schools do not give priorities to handball.