Govt mulls incorporating ‘Umuganda’ into Budget

The government is seeking to introduce a new strategy that will see the monthly voluntary community work, Umuganda, incorporated into the National Budget.

Thursday, May 29, 2014
Residents of Kanyinya in Nyarugenge District dig trenches for water pipes during Umuganda. Timothy Kisambira.

The government is seeking to introduce a new strategy that will see the monthly voluntary community work, Umuganda, incorporated into the National Budget.

The new strategy, which is set to be captured in the 2014/2015 National Budget, aims at having the work done through Umuganda monetised and the plan is to have the programme contribute Rwf15 billion to the National Budget, according to the Local Government ministry’s action plan for the next financial year.   

Speaking to The New Times yesterday, Egide Rugamba, the director-general in charge of planning, monitoring and evaluation in the Ministry of Local Government, said this would help the ministry have a comprehensive and valued report of the amount of money Umuganda has contributed toward national development. 

"Umuganda’s contribution has never been clearly documented, although we have some exceptions. This is why the ministry wants to attach value to the communal work, as a way of motivating community activities,” Rugamba said. 

The ministry has hired a private consultant to carry out the feasibility study and come up with proper parameters that will be used in valuing the activities. 

The ministry further seeks to include Umuganda as part of local government performance contracts. 

"We urge all Rwandans to continue owning this noble activity, as another way of seeking home-grown solutions and seeking self-reliance,”  Rugamba said. 

Vedaste Hakizimana, a community development and project analyst in the Ministry of Local Government, said the new strategy would not change the current aspect and the execution of community work.  

The development will rather be a way of harmonising Umuganda and its contribution to the national financial basket. 

During budget consultations earlier this month between the ministry and Parliament, lawmakers asked the ministry to come up with validation mechanisms for Umuganda as a way of steering home-grown solutions. 

However, there have been challenges in participation in the activities. 

Another challenge appeared around city centres, where city dwellers have occasionally run short of activities to carry out during community service period, hence making many city residents stay indoors during community work. 

Some of the major communal activities that will be embarked on in upcountry districts during Umuganda activities, according to the strategic plan, include construction of houses for vulnerable people, construction and maintenance of feeder roads, erosion control , aforestation , school construction (number of classrooms and  toilets) and farming among others. 

Districts in the City of Kigali will focus on roads construction, water supply, schools construction, public latrines construction  and the construction of bridges. 

Rwanda reserved every last Saturday of the month as national day of community service, during which most normal services close down from dawn until noon. 

Tomorrow is one of such a day.