
Dear readers, Local designers all dream of the day when their work will be showcased at glitzy fashion shows around the world and rubbing shoulders with the Ralph Lauren’s and Vera Wang’s of this world. But even these super successful designers started with a dream, put it in motion, fought the obstacles and saw it through. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dear readers,

Local designers all dream of the day when their work will be showcased at glitzy fashion shows around the world and rubbing shoulders with the Ralph Lauren’s and Vera Wang’s of this world. But even these super successful designers started with a dream, put it in motion, fought the obstacles and saw it through. 

In Rwanda, the dream is alive, if the number of fashion houses cropping up is anything to go by. This week, Dean Karemera takes a look at some of the most promising fashion houses led by women in Rwanda. 

Child birth is arguably the most beautiful thing in the world. That moment when you hold your new born baby in your arms and feel a love you didn’t know existed is just about as good as it gets. However, what most women are not so fond of, or in this case, scared of, is the possibility of getting stitches. Dr Rachna explains some of the factors that lead to getting stitched after child birth and some measures to help ease labour.

Do you want to go gothic, or do you already love fashion on the dark side? The Fashionista explains just how well you can pull off the look without looking like you are going for a Halloween party.

Find out what complicated situation Man Talk has to deal with next week and feel free to send in your advice. 

Enjoy your read.