Drinking alcohol is not a sin

Dear editor,I have been reading different people’s opinions on alcohol drinking with great amazement.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dear editor,
I have been reading different people’s opinions on alcohol drinking with great amazement.

I do not advocate for heavy drinking but I do not see anything wrong with taking a reasonable amount.

Taking an amount that keeps you with your dignity and quenches your thirst is no problem.

I recently had people on one of the local FM radio stations, opposing a pastor who was not against drinking and selling alcohol.

The pastor was very philosophical and had the guts to tell people that it is not always wrong to associate people drinking alcohol with evil.

It is however, interesting to note that the so-called ‘born again’, think that the only action against God’s commandment is drinking alcohol. 

That is why they go into disputes related to church money and many more other wrongs.

You will find a person, who stopped drinking, claiming to be an angel with no more sins, yet he or she is still involved in worse crimes.

Drinking alcohol is not a sin, but what you do under its influence is the problem.

Not all who drink work under its influence!

Therefore, all those who stopped drinking in public places, should be reminded that calling people who drink as sinners, is completely unacceptable.