I stopped drinking but my lips have resuled peeling off

Dear doctor; My lower lips was slowing peeling off and becoming red when I was drinking. I stopped drinking two years ago and there was some change on the lips. But recently, it has been turning reddish again. It makes me look sick. What could be the problem?  Athanase, 47.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Dear doctor;

My lower lips was slowing peeling off and becoming red when I was drinking. I stopped drinking two years ago and there was some change on the lips. But recently, it has been turning reddish again. It makes me look sick. What could be the problem? Athanase, 47.

Dear Athanase,

You have made a healthy choice by quitting drinking. Alcohol can cause peeling of lips due to various reasons but there are other causes as well. Cold weather, dehydration, dust exposure, all these can cause peeling of lips. Nutrient deficiency, particularly that of iron and or vitamin B. complex, vitamin C also leads to peeling of lips. Allergy to any cosmetic product used like a lipstick or chap stick can manifest as dryness of lips. Sometimes some chemicals present in the toothpaste can cause peeling of lips. Infections around teeth or gums can result in peeling of lips along with other symptoms like pain and swelling of gums or around.

It is said that mouth breathers can also have dry and peeled lips. Deficiency of thyroid hormones causes generalised dryness and also of lips resulting in peeling.

Drugs lsuch as rochlorperazine (used for vomiting, vertigo), propranolol (antihypertensive) cause peeling of lips as adverse effect.

Another common cause for peeled lips is the habitual nail biting or lip smacking done by some persons. Try to put some suitable lubrication regularly over the lips, drink a lot of water to prevent any dryness. Improve nutrition by including more of whole grains, nuts, vegetables, citrus fruits and other fresh fruits and meat products.