Birthdays and tantrums

What do you make of Yaya Tourés fury at that birthday snub? A number of my football-crazy friends, none of whom are Manchester City fans, have been critical and think he’s making a mountain out of a molehill.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

What do you make of Yaya Tourés fury at that birthday snub? A number of my football-crazy friends, none of whom are Manchester City fans, have been critical and think he’s making a mountain out of a molehill.

They believe he should focus on more important things, like helping Ivory Coast advance to the Semi-finals at the World Cup instead of throwing tantrums and threatening to leave the club. 

My colleague Moses was more scathing. "Touré probably never even celebrated his birthday until he got to Europe and suddenly, he wants to make it a deal breaker,” he chided, equating him to people who complain about power and water cuts among other services they considered luxuries growing up. 

When they can finally afford them, they act like they can’t survive a day without them. I guess if you have lacked for so long, you can’t help but indulge once the opportunity arises. It’s the reason people build or buy big houses well knowing they don’t have children or relatives to occupy all those rooms. Back to birthdays, you’d be surprised how big a deal they are to some.

Why else do you think people address cards to themselves or arrange for birthday greetings to be read out on radio to give the impression that someone out there cares about them? 

Others have invented birthdays. Just last week, one of our colleagues told us his birthday is coming up. This is someone we have worked with for years and he has never marked a birthday. Like many workplaces, you make friends and one of the first things you share with each other are birthdays but he has never mentioned his.

Over the years, we have treated those whose special days we know to an outing and even given some presents. Last week, we decided to surprise Bella right in office because she doesn’t like going out much, not even on her birthday! We managed to pull off the surprise and that must have been what prompted Julius to lie. Not sure anyone is eager to throw him a party. 

Personally, I treasure birthdays and I never forget family and close friends’ special days. I used to

save for gifts and would take the time to shop for something that wasn’t just unique but which I knew suited the recipient. Over time though, I realised that some people don’t put any thought into the process. Once, I received a pair of white high heels even when I’ve told my friends again and again that I don’t like white shoes and I’m not a fan of heels. There’s also a girl who gave me cheap earrings.

Ladies probably know that gold-plated type that fades the first time you wear them. I felt insulted and cheated because just months before, I had given the ‘culprit’ a nice leather purse that she still carries to almost every party we attend. So, I know where Yaya is coming from when he says he doesn’t feel appreciated.