Why family parties aren’t for friends

We broke off from school last week and even though I don’t want to be home, I have no option. They make me work like I am the houseboy, and what’s worse is that at least the houseboy gets paid.

Friday, May 23, 2014

We broke off from school last week and even though I don’t want to be home, I have no option. They make me work like I am the houseboy, and what’s worse is that at least the houseboy gets paid.

Anyway, so there was a farewell party for my sister who is about to get married. The alcohol was in plenty as every visitor came with a bottle. My cousins were enjoying themselves to the fullest. Then my phone buzzed. 

It was a call from my classmate who was on his way home and saw tents at my home. I have always told my dad to build a wall around the house and get rid of the miserable fence but his miserly ways won’t let him.  He decided to stick to the weak fence which reveals everything. 

I couldn’t deny that we had a party at my place so I invited him over. When a ‘campuser’ sees free drinks, especially expensive wines and spirits that he has never tasted before and of course some really good food too, the only thing left to do is call his friends. 


The worst part of it all is that he told them it was my party. Students vowed to grab motos at the sound of that. Slowly but surely the party got full. It started looking weird as it was my sister’s party but the majority of the people were complete strangers to her. 

People drank alcohol like there was no tomorrow. They got so drunk, danced with my sister and then one idiotic fellow found it wise to have a conversation with my relatives.

This boy is usually so shy so we always do whatever we want to do at school when he is there because he will never tell anyone. I saw him stand up and stagger as he is headed to the table where my dad was seated. I was not going to sit and let that happen. You just can’t trust the actions of a drunken man.



By the time I got there, his hands were already in my dad’s hands – as if massaging them. He tried to get the words out but all that came out was something similar to that noise you make when you are in pain and don’t want anyone to know.

I immediately grabbed his arm and led him away while my dad stayed behind wondering what had just happened. I sent all my friends packing before they decide to get drunk and take off their clothes!

My friend doesn’t remember the brief episode with my dad and I think its best we leave it that way.