What’s in your traveling bag?

Is packing clothes and personal effects part of style? If it is, does it mean that people who can’t pack well have a lousy sense of style? It is highly probable that there is a relation between ‘packing skills’ and a sense of style. When you pack unmatched and uncoordinated outfits, you wear uncoordinated outfits on your trip or a travel.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Is packing clothes and personal effects part of style? If it is, does it mean that people who can’t pack well have a lousy sense of style? It is highly probable that there is a relation between ‘packing skills’ and a sense of style. When you pack unmatched and uncoordinated outfits, you wear uncoordinated outfits on your trip or a travel.

Once on a trip, yours truly packed more underwear and pants than he did shirts or t-shirts, I ended up having to wear the same shirt not twice but thrice. Of course I looked like one with no sense of style whatsoever.

Below are some packing tips that could come in handy;

Note down the items you need

As petty as it may seem, noting down all the items you require and paper matching them with the number of days you will be gone is a sure way that you will leave nothing behind. With that you can tick items on your list once you put them in your bag. 

Fold clothing items to the smallest size possible

It is through order that you can be able to fit multiple items in a small space. When clothing items such as shirts and t-shirts are well folded, they take up a small space. It is when you fold them into a small size that they can fit into tight corners that they would not otherwise have.

Be creative

Creativity’s role in packing helps in making the most out of small space. Underwear when well folded can fit in shoes. If you are carrying a suit with you in a hanger, you can fit in some shirts in there as well and some underwear in the coat’s pocket. 

Be modest

If you are travelling for the weekend, no need to carry a different outfit for each day, it will only make your bag hefty. Recycling a pair of jeans once or twice will not kill you and few people notice such things.

Find out a little about your destination

Prior to the trip, gather information about the weather and or the dress code of the place you will be travelling to.  That avoids the inconvenience of having to carry numerous clothes preparing yourself for various weather conditions.

Choose the appropriate bag

Most of all make sure you are carrying the appropriate bag, not too big, not too small. If it is too big it could look clumsy and if it is too small it looks tacky.