Would you save for your funeral? (Yes, I don’t want to burden anyone)

This is not the most comfortable conversation to have. But that said, sorrow and despair will take over the minds of my loved ones, why should I also add the burden of wondering how they are going to get the money to pay for the funeral?

Friday, May 23, 2014
Patrick Buchana

This is not the most comfortable conversation to have.

But that said, sorrow and despair will take over the minds of my loved ones, why should I also add the burden of wondering how they are going to get the money to pay for the funeral? 

It’s no secret that most people find out about real funeral costs when they have just lost a loved one and they have to finance the different costs. Let us talk accidents – they are the most unexpected happenings. I don’t know about you but who has money tacked somewhere waiting for an accident to happen? No one! Which is why, it is actually best to start saving for cases such as these. Should I get hit by Twegerane (small taxi), I want to know that my family won’t resort to burdening the neighbours and family friends and even friends of friends just to get my body into the ground!

All it costs is to just set up a savings account and put very little money every month. It is hardly an inconvenience as you do it in installments that accumulate as time goes by. So, should God call you home, your family will be informed of a chunk of money in your account that the next of kin can claim and send you off decently. 

Funerals sometimes have been the scene of relatives arguing over petty things just because they contributed to the burial and therefore have a say in the deceased’s will.  For some people, when they contribute a reasonable amount at the burial, they feel it is their sworn duty to be included in the inheritance. Should their name miss the list, all hell breaks loose!

Finally, knowing that you paid for your own funeral will give you the much desired honour you spent your whole life looking for. Who would dare not respect a man who paid for his own funeral? Even though you are no more, you leave your family with their dignity intact and your actions can act as an example to many. It’s a very mature thing to do but most importantly, it won’t hurt you one bit!