NUR School of Journalism to move to Kigali

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE— The School of Journalism and Communications at NUR could be moved to Kigali in future.

Friday, August 15, 2008


HUYE— The School of Journalism and Communications at NUR could be moved to Kigali in future.

According to the Minister of Information, Louise Mushikiwabo the Ministry of Information and the National University of Rwanda (NUR) are engaged in negotiations on how the institution could move to the capital. 

The minister explained that the prime reason for the move was to have the School located close to the recently-opened Great Lakes Media Centre that offers media training to practicing journalists in Kigali.

"Since they all have media studies, they could share lecturers and other resources,” she said by phone.

She argued that the problem of lecturers would be partly solved if the school was located in the capital.  

If implemented, she said, it would also enable practicing journalists graduate from the School.

She stressed that the development was part of the prime objectives to professionalise the media in Rwanda.

To this end, she added there was need to have Rwandan journalists enrolled into post graduate programmes. 

NUR’s press office said no reaction would be given until a final decision is made. 

The New Times has learnt that NUR and the Ministry are discussing a new location for the School, its operating budget and how the school could work with the Media Centre. 

Currently the NUR School of Journalism has about 150 registered students.

Since its inception, the school has rolled out graduates four times.
