Youths urged on HIV/AIDS

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA— Students sponsored by African Evangelist Enterprise (AEE) have been urged to be cautious of HIV/AIDS.

Friday, August 15, 2008


RWAMAGANA— Students sponsored by African Evangelist Enterprise (AEE) have been urged to be cautious of HIV/AIDS.

The call was made last week by AEE officials during a closure of one week solidarity training for students sponsored by AEE. 

A total of 150 students completed the solidarity training before starting the third semester which began on Monday this week. 

"The week’s solidarity training aimed at enlightening students sponsored by AEE about HIV/AIDS and other related problems associated with adolescence. We urge our students to be guided by faith throughout life,” Said Ezekiel Rukema, the area representative of the Christian faith based organisation.

He explained that most of the students are in their adolescence between13-18 years during which they are likely to face several challenges in life. "We feel it is our responsibility to guide them,” he said. 

Rukema encouraged students to include being  faithful to God, saying God would lead them to success. 

"If you trust in God and dedicate your lives to God you will succeed not only in your studies but in everything. If you are faithful to God, all your wishes and future plans will come true,” he said.

The Mayor Valens Ntezirembo, urged students on discipline. He said that quite often children in their adolescence age end up messing their lives leading them to regret throughout life.  

He appealed to the students not to waste time but to be wise and prepare for a better future.

Speaking on behalf of the students, Wilson Musabirema, a student at Institute de Rusororo, said they would heed the lessons acquired in the weeks’ training as a guiding tool to their lives. 
