Why you should avoid hazards that interfere with proper lung function

One of gifts of nature is life. Breathing free, fresh air is one of the gifts of nature or gifts from God as Christians may say.

Monday, May 19, 2014
Dr Joseph Kamugisha

One of gifts of nature is life. Breathing free, fresh air is one of the gifts of nature or gifts from God as Christians may say.

Think about a situation where the air you breathe was to be taxed or limited. Any limitation or interruption to fresh air entrance in our body shortens life and this is why our lungs perform vital functions in the body system.

Based on what I have observed, we sometimes put little emphasis on protection of our lungs against harmful substances or hazards of nature.

People who have worked with lung cancer patients or those who have been in intensive care unit and have seen patients who are unable to properly take in air to oxygenate their body because of reduced lung capacity clearly understand the message I want to pass on.

Lungs contribute to proper function of other organs, it’s a place where gaseous exchange occurs; the body takes in oxygen from the environment and expels carbon dioxide. Without this ongoing gaseous exchange, the body cannot adequately convert nutrients from food into usable energy.

Smoking is the major cause of lung cancer, but ongoing research studies have come up with a good percentage of other causes especially in the population of non-smokers. However, it is proven beyond doubt that the most aggressive forms of lung cancer and other lung illnesses are caused by smoking.

In most of African rural areas, God has blessed them with less air pollutants or contaminants that lung cancer researchers usually fetch low statistics of disease burden. 

We have to admit that living in a neighborhood with fresh air is a big gift and should always try to protect our lungs for the benefit of our health being.

As already mentioned, the most important priority in preventing lung diseases is to minimise constant exposure to lung irritants or contaminants that can infect and destroy lung tissues. 

People like wood drillers, cement industry or other jobs where micro or macro irritants to the lungs are unavoidable, it is advisable to wear a respirator with a decent filter.

It is worth to know that the most common lung irritants tend to harden when they come into contact with moisture of our lungs. 

Exposure of pollutants or irritants into our lungs can cause acute lung tissue damage and can lead to development of lung illnesses like fibrosis and lung cancer. 

Just think of each particle of dust as a tiny metal-like shard, and imagine the damage that occurs when millions of these particles enter your lungs over the course of a couple of hours.

It is not visible dust that we should strive to avoid and protect against but also chemicals that we use tend to give off strong smells that can sometimes make you feel nauseous. 

Nausea or vomiting sensation that is triggered by stimulation of your olfactory system is a strong sign that you have inhaled a lung irritant that over time can create irreversible damage.

There are some considerations in response to the intake of quality air or fresh air. Keeping around fresh air is key adaptation like have time outdoors; opening windows at work ensure that the ventilation system that controls the air quality at our home and work places function properly. 

This is the reason why furnace filters are regularly replaced.

Even during sleeping periods, when the weather permits, you should make sure there is steady stream of fresh air entrance so that air in your room never gets dominated by carbon dioxide.

You should also think about how well you breathe. This is because the respiratory rate that is the number of cycles inhaled and exhaled per minute can be affected by certain factors inside or outside your body.

Emotional stress tends to promote shallow breathing. So being mindful of your emotional state and making a habit of taking purposeful, deep breaths in and out as often as possible contribute to optimal intake of oxygen and elimination of carbon dioxide.  

Dr Joseph Kamugisha is a resident oncologist in Jerusalem, Israel