Leather processing factory launched in Gatsibo District

The Ministry of Trade and Industry (Minicom) on Friday launched a leather processing factory in Kabarore Sector, Gatsibo District, Eastern Province.  Star Leather Products Company (SLPC), that manufactures shoes, belts, jackets and other leather products is the first of its kind in the country.

Monday, May 19, 2014
Minister Francois Kanimba at the factory. Stephen Rwembeho.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry (Minicom) on Friday launched a leather processing factory in Kabarore Sector, Gatsibo District, Eastern Province. 

Star Leather Products Company (SLPC), that manufactures shoes, belts, jackets and other leather products is the first of its kind in the country.

The event was presided over by the Minister for Trade and  Industry, Francois Kanimba, who said the plant would benefit the whole country.

Kanimba said his ministry was committed to supporting local manufacturers.

"This infrastructure will serve well a programme known as Community Processing Centre/School. Minicom plans to support cooperatives and individuals to standardise their processing centres,” the minister said.

"Processing agricultural products, timber and minerals will help us meet the goals set out in EDPRS2. Our ultimate goal is to curb national trade deficit by increasing aggregate export and decreasing aggregate import,” he said.

Kanimba said at least 20 processing centres will be established in the country. These will include a milk processing centre in Burera, an Irish potatoes processor in Nyabihu, a banana processer in Rwamagana, and a meat processer in Kayonza, among others.

"Clothes, timber, honey, minerals, and clay will be processed in other districts… it will depend on the most dominant activities in each district. These processing industries will also  serve as training centres,” he said.

Gatsibo is one of the few districts with a high population of cattle in the country, and its strategic location between other cattle rich districts like Nyagatare and Kayonza makes it an ideal location for the hides and skins industry.

 "The only challenge we still face is that investors in the hides and skins industry only want to do the initial processing here, just to make it easy to transport to their countries for final processing. We shall, however, continue discussing with them until we have a factory for skins and hides in our country. This is when we shall be able to maximise profits from exports,” he said.