Who is a good Parliamentarian?

Dear editor,We are now pushing towards the beginning of the end as far as the elections in question are concerned. The only thing we need from those contesting is assurance backed by tangible explanations that they will deliver.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dear editor,
We are now pushing towards the beginning of the end as far as the elections in question are concerned. The only thing we need from those contesting is assurance backed by tangible explanations that they will deliver.

We shall also analyse their past performance in terms of what they have done and not what they have been promising.

I mean those who have been in different public offices. We do not need a lot of politicking but actual work.

You do need to be a good poet to serve people well Some leaders have been implicated in the theft of iron sheets recently given to shelter the needy, and I do not think such local leaders need even a single vote.

They have however, shamelessly contested. Such irresponsible and greedy persons do not reflect a leader we need to develop our country today.

I must say that we need people who can deliver and keep public money out of their pockets.