PHOTOS: Senator Ntidendereza laid to rest, eulogised for patriotism, humility
Monday, September 11, 2023
The burial of late Senator William Ntidendereza who passed away on September 3, took place on Monday, September 11. Photos by Emmanuel Dushimimana

Senator William Ntidendereza, who passed away on September 3 due to an illness, was laid to rest on Monday, September 11 at the Rusororo Cemetery.

ALSO READ: Kagame pays tribute to late Senator Ntidendereza

Various officials, along with family and friends, gathered to bid their final farewell to Senator Ntidendereza, who was 73 at the time of his passing. The solemn ceremony took place in the Senate chamber of Parliament, with a church service held in his honor at the Remera Parish of Anglican Church in Giporoso.

During the funeral held at Parliament, President of the Senate François-Xavier Kalinda expressed the commitment of parliamentary members to uphold the values that Senator Ntidendereza exemplified throughout his distinguished career.

Members of parliament pay final tributes to the late senator on Monday, September 11. Photos by Emmanuel Dushimimana

"We have lost a wise and humble leader who approached his responsibilities with dedication," he remarked. "Throughout his tenure as a senator, Ntidendereza drew upon his wealth of experience gained from various previous roles. This enabled him to offer well-informed and constructive insights, ultimately guiding our discussions toward meaningful solutions."

Kalinda noted that even amid his illness, Senator Ntidendereza&039;s commitment to his work was evident as he continued to engage with his colleagues, inquiring about the progress of their tasks.

Furthermore, he highlighted Ntidendereza's passion for discussing ways to empower the youth to become patriotic Rwandans who cherish Kinyarwanda, adding that the late senator consistently advocated for the country's well-being and the unity of its citizens through his contributions and ideas.

Wellars Gasamagera, Secretary General of RPF Inkotanyi, acknowledged Ntidendereza's significant role in the liberation struggle and his continued dedication to various duties, both within Rwanda and abroad.

Wellars Gasamagera, Secretary General of RPF Inkotanyi (Right) delivers remarks at the parliament. Gasamagera acknowledged Ntidendereza's significant role in the liberation struggle and his continued dedication to various duties.
He particularly noted Ntidendereza's contributions to the training of trainers for the Ndi Umunyarwanda program during his time in Canada, adding that he consistently excelled in all the responsibilities he undertook, whether in the education sector or during his tenure in the Senate."He worked with courage and served on the Social Wellbeing Commission of RPF Inkotanyi at the national level. In all those roles, he exhibited a sacrificial spirit and courage, consistently respecting the laws as he had been trained," he said.

Gasamagera also highlighted Ntindedereza's exceptional social qualities, emphasizing his kindness, understanding nature, and willingness to engage in conversations to exchange advice.

Christine Shamukiga, Ntidendereza’s wife, thanked God for blessing her with him and prayed for strength to carry on their shared responsibilities.

"My husband, you became an example of patience, integrity, patriotism, and love for people. I want to assure you not to have any concerns. We have released you to join God. Please rest assured that I will cherish and remember all our conversations. I will miss you, as will our children, but I remain hopeful, knowing that we will reunite one day. May God reward you for all the good you have done," she said.

Shamukiga also extended her appreciation to President Paul Kagame and the First Lady, Jeannette Kagame for their condolences in these difficult times as well as their trust in Ntidendereza's leadership.

She also expressed gratitude to the Senate and RPF Inkotanyi for their collaborative efforts and support, adding that Ntidendereza’s unfinished work would continue with the collective efforts of his colleagues as they remain dedicated to serving the people.

Senator Fulgence Nsingiyumva, a close friend of the late Ntidendereza, described his life as brimming with love and kindness, presenting an exemplary model of gratitude towards God.

He further elaborated that Ntidendereza embodied completeness in all aspects of life, and underscored his heroic contributions to both the country's liberation and its development.

Children of late Senator Ntidendereza and family member lay wreaths to pay tributes to Senator during the burial at Rusororo on Monday, September 11.
"Ntidendereza was like a living history book. He possessed a unique ability to analyze situations and discern what actions were necessary. He had a talent for retrospection, carefully examining past events, their execution, and outcomes. He frequently engaged with leaders at various levels, evaluating their actions, both the missteps and commendable practices. We would engage in thoughtful discussions about these matters," said Nsengiyumva.

He noted that Ntidendereza also possessed a remarkable sense of humor, an unwavering determination, and an ability to instill hope in people, believing that nothing is beyond reach.

He further eulogized Ntidendereza for his honesty, empathy, and selflessness, highlighting his willingness to assist others without expecting something in return.

Minister in the Office of the President, Judith Uwizeye delivers President Kagame's message during a ceremony to bid farewell to the late Senator on September 11. She said that Kagame expressed his sadness upon hearing the news of the Senator’s passing.
Christine Shamukiga, Ntidendereza’s wife, thanked God for blessing her with him and prayed for strength to carry on their shared responsibilities.
The requiem mass held in his honor at the Remera Parish of Anglican Church in Giporoso.
Clerics who lead a requiem mass in honor of Late Senotor at the Remera Parish of Anglican Church in Giporoso.
Christine Shamukiga, Ntidendereza’s wife lays a wreath
Senators pay final tributes to the late senator at the Senate Plenary Chamber on Monday, September 11
Mukabalisa Donatille, Speaker of Chamber of Deputies, pays tribute to late Senator Ntidendereza.
Mourners observe a moment of silence to pay tribute to Senator William Ntidendereza.
President of Senate Dr François Xavier Kalinda lays a wreath during the burial.