Gakenke youth vow to fight drug abuse

Youth from Gakenke District have committed to fighting against the consumption and distribution of drugs, saying the contraband impedes physical and mental growth.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Youth from Gakenke District have committed to fighting against the consumption and distribution of drugs, saying the contraband impedes physical and mental growth.

They said this on Wednesday as police and district officials destroyed a variety of drugs, worth Rwf7 million in Karambo Sector.

The destroyed drugs included cannabis, Kanyanga and an assortment of banned liquor smuggled into the country from Uganda.

Patrick Niyonzima,19, and a student at Groupe Scolaire de Kirebe, said: "I am ready to fight the consumption of drugs because they are harmful to human life and encourage my peers not to consume them,” said Niyonzima.

Another student, Emelinne Mukandadaye, from Ecole Secondaire de Kirambo, expressed willingness to work with local leaders and police to arrest whoever deals in or consumes drugs

The Northern Province is among areas where drugs are most used due to its porous borders with Uganda and DRC from where much of the drugs are smuggled.