Is overusing computer detrimental to health?

Dear doctor; I have a desktop computer at home that I use a lot for after-office works. What are the risk factors of overusing computers, if any?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Dear doctor;

I have a desktop computer at home that I use a lot for after-office works. What are the risk factors of overusing computers, if any?

Gerald K, Huye.

Dear Gerald,

Vaginal bleeding after sex is computers have a lot of health hazards. Working for long hours on computers strains the eyes as one has to strain eyes to see words at close quarter for long time. Far vision is also affected as one uses far sight less due to working on computers. Tapping the keys continuously causes cramps and rheumatism in the fingers.

Trapping of median nerve and its branches in the wrist and hands can cause entrapment neuropathy which manifests as tingling and numbness in fingers. Sitting continuously strains the back which results in chronic backache.