Minister inspects leaders, residents’ homes

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE —The Minister of State in Charge of Community Development and Social Affairs, Christine Nyatanyi, visited homes of local leaders and residents in Nyagatare to assess sanitation.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


NYAGATARE —The Minister of State in Charge of Community Development and Social Affairs, Christine Nyatanyi, visited homes of local leaders and residents in Nyagatare to assess sanitation.

The minister explained that she visited leaders’ homes to see whether leaders were living by example. "I wanted to see whether the leaders are exemplary in fulfilling the government policies,” she said.

Among the leaders whose homes were inspected included the sector executive secretary, Agronomist and social affairs official.

The areas of concern included cleanness in homes, toilets, bathrooms, kitchen, small vegetable gardens and whether residents sleep under mosquito nets.

Nyatanyi was in Nyagatare district to assess the progress of government programmes especially the housing policy, during which she urged residents to join hands with their local leaders to implement government policies.

"My visit was to inspect the activities done by residents of the best sector in Nyagatare but the main target was to assess how the sector has solved the problem of housing for residents,” she explained.

Addressing Kiyombe sector residents at Kiyombe Primary School play ground, the minister thanked local leaders and residents for eliminating grass thatched houses in the area.

She also inspected Cyondo health centre in the same sector and Abakundagukora Basket weaving cooperative.

On the same tour, the minister also inspected boreholes and bridges constructed by the local residents of Tovu cell in same Sector.

Officially opening the facilities, the minister called upon the residents to avoid complacence.

"I am so impressed with your innovative skills. However, don’t relax hoping you have reached our target of Vision 2020 because you still have a long way to go”, she told the crowd of residents who were chanting and dancing.
