Don’t let the rain ruin your fashion sense

FOR the next two or so months, rain is going to be incorporated in our lifestyles as the rain season sets in.  But the rainy season should not compromise your fashion sense. 

Friday, May 09, 2014

FOR the next two or so months, rain is going to be incorporated in our lifestyles as the rain season sets in.  But the rainy season should not compromise your fashion sense. 

You can still find a stylish and right out fit to take you through the rainy season. An umbrella alone rarely serves purpose hence the need to go for particular outfits.

Below are some outfits to consider for the rainy season;


Depending on the wearer’s preferences, scarves can be worn to beat the cold or to add colour to the outfit. During the rainy season, they serve to keep the cold breeze away without requiring the wearer to have to don layers of clothes to insulate themselves from the cold.

The best thing about scarves is that they should not necessarily be the colour of the rest of the outfit, as long as their colour doesn’t clash with the outfit, they can pass.


On the night of February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida, United States, George Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American high school student. 

It  sparked off one of the most controversial cases in the modern day justice system,  hoodies became a symbol for justice seekers, taking attention from what it was previously associated with; gangsters. Its tag as a hooligan’s garment had taken over from its earlier purpose as a sports wear. 

 In recent times, the outfit has become more acceptable amongst corporate circles on dress down Fridays or in offices like newsrooms and IT hubs.

The daring ones can wear the hoodie under a blazer and get away with it in the name of beating the cold.

Trench coats

There is a dirty joke that goes around about men who wear trench coats - that they probably have their navels pierced.

But that should not make you abstain from rocking trench coats; one only has to avoid trench coats that are too fruity or too studded. The appropriate length of a masculine trench coat should be above the knees or else it will look like a dress.

Leather jackets

If you want to keep the cold at bay without bulky outfits, a leather jacket would be ideal as it retains heat and can be worn either officially or casually.

Most of them are water proof which means there is no need to carry an umbrella around.


There are those light drizzles that refuse to die on a lazy afternoon but are too mild to call for an umbrella. This calls for a hat that is appropriate  with the shape of your head, your age and  the length of your hair.