Samsung boosts ICT in Rwanda schools

Samsung East Africa, in partnership with the Government, this week launched an initiative that seeks to  empower school-going children with ICT skills.

Friday, May 09, 2014
Students at the solar powered Groupe Scolaire Kamabare school use the computers. T.Kisambira.

Samsung East Africa, in partnership with the Government, this week launched an initiative that seeks to  empower school-going children with ICT skills.

The initiative, launched at two schools in Musanze and Bugesera districts on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively, aims at equipping students with innovative solutions that will help drive the growth of the East African nation.

 At Groupe Scolaire Kamabare in Bugesera, which has no electricity, the equipment donated will be powered by solar energy. The facilities entail a 40-foot container with 25 computers, an internet server and a power point illustrator for teachers to use during classes.

"This is the first of its kind in East Africa and our target is to reach out to over 2.5 million students in Africa,” said Robert Ngeru, the vice-president and chief operations officer, Samsung Africa.

He said this is just a pilot phase to prove the efficiency of clean and safe energy to communities that do not have access to hydro electricity.

Ngeru said the project cost over $150,000 dollars, adding that it will not stop at training the students but also their teachers and the community.

He added that their mission as a company is to give hope to children that even if they may not afford a laptop and have no electricity, their problems can be solved.

"I urge you to put the computers to proper use because they can transform your lives,” Dr. Vincent Biruta, the Minister of Education, said while launching the facility at the Bugesera school.

Biruta hailed Samsung for the support, which he said will help accelerate the country’s development.

Jeannette Imanishimwe, a S3 student at G.S Kamabare, said the computers will help her access more reading materials and also get informed about what is going on in the country and beyond.  

The initiative will supplement the existing One Laptop Per Child programme, which is currently implemented in over 400 schools across the country.