Ombudsman in land rights campaign in Nyagatare District

The Office of the Ombudsman on Tuesday began a week-long campaign aimed at sensitising the public about their land rights and how to address land-related issues in Nyagatare District.

Thursday, May 08, 2014
Farmers tilling their land in Huye District. Many farmers are ignorant about land rights. (File)

The Office of the Ombudsman on Tuesday began a week-long campaign aimed at sensitising the public about their land rights and how to address land-related issues in Nyagatare District.

The campaign will also address corruption-related issues.

In a bid to extend services to the grassroots, the Office of the Ombudsman organises anti-injustice campaigns once a year in all sectors.

Seraphin Rumaziminsi, the in charge of prevention and fight against injustice in the Ombudsman’s Office, said the campaign aims at giving the public an opportunity to report land-related issues in their areas.

Rumaziminsi said residents should be able to understand the mechanism of addressing the issues, as provided for by the existing framework, including the ongoing land reform process.

He said the campaign began in Nyagatare because of the several land disputes registered there, adding that they wanted to partner with local authorities to have issues resolved.

 "Our aim is to help local authorities reach a solution on land disputes,” he said.

Most of the problems were linked to land use whereby some people had unresolved land wrangles with family members, and neighbours.

Other issues raised were about wild animals from Akagera National Park that attack people and destroy crops.

Angelique Uwimana, a resident of Kabarore Sector, said her 10-year-old land wrangle had never been resolved.

 "I have given up on my land. Local leaders have failed to settle it,” she complained.

Uwimana said local authorities evicted her from the land claiming it was a cattle keeping zone.

"I went to the sector several times seeking compensation, only to be tossed around,” she said.

Nyagatare District mayor Sabiti Atuhe admitted his district was facing land problems, noting that it was exacerbated by residents’ ignorance about land laws.

"People are ignorant about  land usage and settlement laws. Some of them use grazing land for farming. This is done without the knowledge of authorities,” he said.

The commencement of the campaign was presided over by the Ombudsman, Aloysea Cyanzayire.