Rwanda targets investors at Africa economic forum

President Paul Kagame is in Nigeria to attend the World Economic Forum on Africa at which Rwandan officials are expected to market the country’s business environment and link it to potential investors.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Delegates at the ongoing World Economic Forum for Africa will also discuss ways to increase agriculture productivity. File.

President Paul Kagame is in Nigeria to attend the World Economic Forum on Africa at which Rwandan officials are expected to market the country’s business environment and link it to potential investors.

More than 1,000 business leaders and government officials from across the world are in Abuja for the meeting.

The meeting starts today.

Delegates at the meeting will discuss challenges threatening economic growth on the continent, poverty reduction, persistent inequality, agriculture productivity, and deepening investment partnerships.

The President is accompanied by Finance minister Claver Gatete, Foreign Affairs minister Louise Mushikiwabo and Rwanda Development Board chief operations officer Clare Akamanzi. 

"This is a great economic opportunity for the Rwandan delegation to try and market the country’s conducive business environment so as to attract investments,” Amb. Gatete said.

"We are also looking forward to share our experience and economic objectives with experts from around the globe. The meeting therefore is coming at the right time and will help shade more light on how the country will achieve its second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction strategy,” the minister added.

Finding ways on how to build on recent successes in unlocking over $7 billion worth of investment for African smallholder farmers is also a top priority the delegates will discuss.

‘The bold decision’

Elsie Kanza, the head of World Economic Forum for Africa, said in a statement that Africa’s continued progress depends on the ability of its leaders to take the bold decisions necessary to transform the continent’s economy and society.

"By bringing together leaders from politics, business and civil society, we hope the meeting will offer an environment where such decisions can be catalysed, and where commitment and creativity can be drawn on to build a future fit for all Africans,” Kanza said in a statement.

The leaders are also expected to hold a number of meetings on the sidelines of the annual meeting.

At the Forum, President Kagame is expected to speak on free movement of people and goods in Africa, address a plenary on growth in Africa, and speak to young global shapers forum.

Besides President Kagame and the host, President Goodluck Jonathan, the forum attracted many other heads of State and government, including Chinese premier Li Keqiang.