From Darfur to CAR, RDF is making us proud

Editor, Refer to the article, “AU salutes Rwanda peacekeepers in CAR” (The New Times, May 3). What a touching article, about the bravery of Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF)! I love it. 

Monday, May 05, 2014
Members of the Rwanda Mechanised Infantry Battalion (RwaMechBatt1) peacekeepers serving under the African-led International Support Mission to the Central African Republic (MISCA),....


Refer to the article, "AU salutes Rwanda peacekeepers in CAR” (The New Times, May 3). What a touching article, about the bravery of Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF)! I love it.

It is really sad that people always rush to criticize our country, and never recognise what we achieved during the past 2o years following the Genocide against the Tutsi. The results are amazing.

I am really proud of our servicemen and servicewomen for selflessly bringing about peace, order and protecting helpless people around the world. I have a feeling that we do not give them the credit they deserve — those are the people who spend nights in the cold to ensure that citizens are secure.

I salute all of them, officers, men, women, seniors and juniors. They have been there for us since 1990 and they keep going. Viva RDF!

Rwema, Coventry, United Kingdom


Those servicemen and servicewomen, right in the thick of things, are pulling their full weight.

It is disappointing that Rwandans are not good at acknowledging the bravery, courage and commitment of our young (and sometimes not so young) compatriots in uniform serving exceptionally well the cause of peace in far-flung places.

The professionalism, humanity, determination and ability to face down the worst threats to the safety of their charges as well as their own has given Brand Rwanda another reputation than that commonly and assiduously pushed by Rwanda haters in the media.

A paradoxical consequence of that deserved reputation is that even many of our most hateful critics always demand their security be provided by Rwanda Defence Forces whenever they visit hotspots where Rwandan peacekeepers are a component of larger UN and other international peacekeeping operations.

Mwene Kalinda, Rwanda