More medics should educate the public

Editor, ALLOW ME to respond to Achille Manirakiza’s article, “Kids and antibiotics” (The New Times, on May 2).

Saturday, May 03, 2014


ALLOW ME to respond to Achille Manirakiza’s article, "Kids and antibiotics” (The New Times, on May 2).

Though I’m not a mother whom the article seems to be addressing as per the wordings therein, I’m really impressed by Dr Manirakiza’s advice and encourage other medical professionals to also inform the public on different medical issues in their areas of expertise. 

Particularly on this matter of kids, as a father, I’m very concerned and thus request the writer for more lessons on the same not only in print media like our favourite and leading newspaper, The New Times, but many others as well. 

Cheers and God bless.

Robert Ssali, Rwanda