Things people shouldn’t do

I would like to think of myself as one of those people who prefer to be passive spectators and mind their own business but this time around I just couldn’t help it.

Friday, May 02, 2014

I would like to think of myself as one of those people who prefer to be passive spectators and mind their own business but this time around I just couldn’t help it. Of late, I’m baffled by certain things that people still do in this age and era. Unless the trends are going backwards, there’s no way that some people should go unpunished for some "crimes”. This is not "hating” but some things are simply annoying. Here we go…

Dangling office tags

If you want to identify people who have just landed a job, just look around their necks. What is a company tag doing around your neck at 10pm in a bar? Meanwhile, he’s probably showing off to a first year student from U.O.K who is just giggling away at a conversation she understands nothing about. Please, those tags are supposed to be used during working hours and once you leave office, they should disappear in the pocket or bag. Murakoze!

Your life on Facebook is not real; no one actually cares about your statuses

I get it, you want to be popular and sound deep. Maybe you’re even a bit of the sensitive new age male and you’ve been taking a yoga class and heard some deep quote you want to share. Maybe you write some crappy blog on the internet. Maybe you like to write lists even, that tell other people how to live their life. It’s easier to let go.

"I was so drunk” is no longer a legitimate excuse to be reckless

A good number of people have had that "I was too drunk” moment. That’s no longer reason for useless behaviour. Being a drunk doesn’t mean you should be excused for  jumping on peoples cars, chasing women who don’t want to talk to you, and puking in a cab and leaving your friends to clean it up.


Yes, Barack Obama took a selfie with David Cameron and Helle Thorning-Schmidt but that boat sailed in 2013 and will never return. It just beats my understanding how a grown man can stand in front of KCT and take a selfie; dude style up already! 

Talk on your phone in a public bathroom

Ever heard the saying "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”, well, the same applies to bathrooms. What happens in them should stay in them and not with your phone broadcasting every sound to God knows who, subjecting the rest of us to some inane conversation that can absolutely wait until you no longer have your pants around your ankles. 

Showing off your tummy

I don’t care if you’ve got washboard abs, if you could bounce a 100 coin of your belly, or if you’re only sixteen. Unless you’re on the beach, at the pool, or working for tips, no one, I mean no one, should be running around with an exposed midriff. It’s just not classy, better still, leave your little sibling’s clothes alone and buy nice fitting clothes.

Adjusting the "twins” 

Dear ladies, we totally understand that a boob slips below your underwire or heads too closely to your armpit, but until you find a private spot, resist the urge to reach into your bra and re-adjust. The same goes for men, if the "big guy and his escorts” need adjusting, don’t do it in public. It’s just gross. 

Displaying a car key and mobile phones

What is with people walking around displaying a car key while shaking them as if they are an accessory that has to be displayed? I know you spent your hard earned money to buy your car and we applaud you for such an achievement but spare us the sight of your car keys hanging in your hands all the time or on your belt. If you happen to, please let the car not be a Vitz. And the mobile phones, do you actually need four phones at ago? Unless you are a drug dealer, two phones are enough. If you have to exceed, then it is time to get a secretary. 

This list can’t be exhausted enough but let’s start with these and see how things go. Some people might get offended but, I’m entitled to my opinion. I know some people are "slow” when it comes to figuring certain things out like how to take photographs that aren’t selfies, I’m  just trying to make sure you give up a few of these things that have overstayed their welcome. You’ll thank me later!