YouthConnekt drive now targets 100,000 youth

This year’s YouthConnekt month, set to begin today will be used to cultivate patriotism and self-dignity values among young people.

Thursday, May 01, 2014
ICT and Youth Minister Jean Philbert Nsengimana( R), together with PS in MYICT Rosemary Mbabazi address the youth during a past YouthConnekt campaign. File. Rosemary(L) Mbabazi a....

This year’s YouthConnekt month, set to begin today will be used to cultivate patriotism and self-dignity values among young people.

It will be launched in Gisagara District and closed in Gicumbi District on May 31.

Under the theme; "Agaciro Kanjye”, literally translated as ‘my dignity’, the 2014 YouthConnekt month, is expected to engage over 100,000 young people nationwide, including, secondary school students, university students and  young innovators and entrepreneurs.

Other groups expected to attend the second annual drive include, youth with disabilities, youth in cooperatives, associations and those affiliated to faith-based organisations.

YouthConnekt is a platform that connects innovative young Rwandans to join in the country’s inclusive economic transformation.

The platform serves as a channel for the youth, private sector and government to address the challenges facing youth such as unemployment and limited entrepreneural skills.

While addressing journalists in Kigali on Wednesday, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, the Minister for Youth and ICT (MYICT), said self-dignity is a strong pillar to self-reliance and sustainable development. 

"Self-reliance leads to patriotism, and the government is striving for true patriotism,” he said.

Nsengimana added that Rwanda needs young people who are patriotic, and ready to serve their nation.

"We are a nation that values and loves its people. A nation that gives opportunity to all people. That’s why we choose to have various categories of youth involved in such initiative,” Nsengimana said.

Rosemary Mbabazi, the Permanent Secretary in MYICT, said other issues to be addressed during the drive are drug abuse, unemployment and teenage pregnancies.

Alexandre Mvuyekure, the Gicumbi District mayor said he hoped the campaign will inspire behavior change among THE youth.

"We are excited to host YouthConnekt in our district, and hope that our youth will learn a lot from this campaign and change for the better,” said Mvuyekure.

 Alphonse Nkuranga, the executive secretary of the National Youth Council, said an ‘ICT Smart school’ will be unveiled in Bugesera District during the course of the month.