Give Rwandan students abroad more coverage

Editor,  IT IS with great pleasure that I write to you in appreciation of the many insightful articles published by The New Times, especially those in Sunday Times and weekly magazines that I enjoy so much.

Thursday, May 01, 2014


IT IS with great pleasure that I write to you in appreciation of the many insightful articles published by The New Times, especially those in Sunday Times and weekly magazines that I enjoy so much. But most importantly, I wanted to share with you an idea that I am certain will further your cause, or may I say our cause as Rwandans.

I applaud your editorial’s perspective that education and entrepreneurship is the key to a successful future for our young generation. See the articles, "Instilling into Rwandans the entrepreneurial spirit” (The New Times, June 2, 2013) and "Jean-Léon Iragena, the young man behind Rwanda’s vibrant literacy campaign” (The New Times, April 10, 2013). 

I believe that adding a scholarly informative section that highlights the journey, achievements, and education, as to what they do at work, school etc…of young Rwandans around the world would be a great idea. This section would increase collaboration and interdisciplinary learning across the Rwandan community. 

There are so many young Rwandan students doing great things across the world, unfortunately our community never gets to know about them and what they do. 

I’d be happy to nurture this idea and also invest my time into it.

Yves Sabato, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, United States