For Rwandans, security is everything

Editor, AS PRESIDENT Paul Kagame has observed several times, security is the first and most important precondition for development without which nothing else is possible or makes any sense. 

Thursday, May 01, 2014


AS PRESIDENT Paul Kagame has observed several times, security is the first and most important precondition for development without which nothing else is possible or makes any sense.

Without assurance of basic security, no one, including Rwandans themselves, will be prepared to invest in anything that cannot be uprooted at the shortest possible notice and carted away with you to the nearest place of safety.

We Rwandans are especially acutely aware of this fact, having experienced en masse and in the most horrific way imaginable what deprivation of security means. We are fully with our police and security forces in their efforts to ensure we never have to experience what lack of security means.

Mwene Kalinda, Rwanda