Don’t accept French govt arrogance

Editor, REFERENCE IS made to Joseph Rwagatare’s article, “Rwanda offers France chance to change course in Africa” (The New Times, April 29).

Thursday, May 01, 2014
Rwandans are observing a hundred days of mourning the more than a million victims of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, which French authorities are accused of backing. Courtesy.


REFERENCE IS made to Joseph Rwagatare’s article, "Rwanda offers France chance to change course in Africa” (The New Times, April 29).

Unfortunately, Joseph is right! France’s relationship with Africa is based on individual and not national interests, and that is a mistake. France still continues to behave in the same way it did during the era of coups in the African continent – playing a partisan role in the process, by supporting one group against the other. 

Again, it is unfortunate that France (or French politicians) seeks to build relations with individuals instead of states.

This attitude reveals the very weakness and corrupt structure of French regimes. Blatant examples of these individual-oriented relations include Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Chad, Central Africa Republic, Congo-Brazzaville, Mali, Niger and Gabon. Senegal makes an exception.

In all those countries, French politicians have built ties that can make and break regimes. How despicable!

Albert, Lubumbashi, DR Congo


A VERY good analysis of the France’s Africa policy; propping up dictators, looting natural resources, assassinating or sponsoring military coups, and a host of numerous evils.

President Paul Kagame and indeed all patriotic Rwandans should continue to firmly stand against this arrogance. Let us remain awake because they will not sleep for they are committed to reversing all that the Government of Unity and Rwandans have built for the last 20 years.

Célestin Ruhago, Rwanda