Senators want unit formed to manage assets of convicts

Senators have called for a unit to be formed to manage offence-related assets.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Senators have called for a unit to be formed to manage offence-related assets.

The Senate’s Standing Committee on Political Affairs and Good Governance made the call last week while making final amendments on the Bill governing the recovery of offence-related assets.

The Bill defines offence-related assets, as assets derived from commission of an offence.

The draft law, which has been hailed as a boost to the fight against corruption, is expected to be passed next month.

Sen. Apollinaire Mushinzimana, the committee chairperson, said their focus is on the proper management of seized and confiscated assets both movable and immovable. 

"There are cases where confiscated property such as cars or finances, have been mismanaged. This is not an ideal way of handling legal matters. A unit should be created within the Public Prosecution Authority to manage seized properties until the court’s ruling is made,” Mushinzimana said.

Sen. Tito Rutaremara said having such facilities would ensure effective management of public property.

The unit will be empowered to protect and account for seized assets.

It would minimise cases where people might claim more than what was seized in case they win their cases and have to claim their property back, according to lawmakers.

However, management of livestock, land and houses would be conferred to the sector where they are located, while seized or confiscated money will remain in the banking institution where it was frozen, the Bill says.

The committee members endorsed the proposal, saying it would boost transparency in the public sector.

Sen. Chrysologue Karangwa said the law would enable authorities to trace, recover, manage, or confiscate assets and benefits accruing from several offences; from corruption, and terrorism, to illicit drug dealing.