Honoring the legacy of Pastor Nyamaswa Ephron: A life that touched many
Saturday, September 09, 2023
Late Pastor Ephron Nyamaswa

On the fateful morning of September 2, 2023, our community was plunged into sorrow upon learning of the unexpected passing of Pastor Ephron Nyamaswa, affectionately known as Papa Remy.

His sudden departure shocked us all, for he had not been suffering from any ailment. Instead, he awoke with chest pains and sought medical attention, tragically leaving us during what should have been a routine doctor's visit.

The news of his passing cut deep for those fortunate enough to have known him personally. My journey with Pastor Nyamaswa and his wonderful family began in the early 2000s, sparked by serendipitous events. Mama Roger, one of my village neighbors and coincidentally Pastor Nyamaswa's sister-in-law, journeyed from Mbarara, Uganda, to visit him in Kigali. My visit to her introduced me to their warm and inviting home in Remera, a place where, despite a constant stream of visitors, an undeniable charm made everyone feel at ease.

Over the years, my bond with the Nyamaswa family grew stronger. I continued to visit, especially when our mutual relation was in town. Much later, as fate would have it, I discovered that my then-girlfriend, now my wife, was closely related to them. They welcomed me as a son and a beloved brother-in-law, generously opening their home and their hearts to me.

It's worth noting that Pastor Nyamaswa's journey was not always that of a pastor; he initially embarked on a successful career in business. However, his unwavering passion for people and his deep faith in God drove him to pursue a Theology degree, all while raising a young family. His journey showcased remarkable tenacity and an unyielding determination to turn his dreams into reality. He served in various congregations within the Seventh-day Adventist church and, most recently, as a lecturer and Dean of Student Affairs at UNILAK. In all these roles, I have yet to meet anyone with a negative word to say about his conduct.

A standout memory, deeply cherished by my family, transports us back to 2012 when we were invited to partake in the celebration of Pastor Nyamaswa and his wife’s 25 years of marriage. This event was nothing short of awe-inspiring, graced by the presence of dear friends and family from far and near. They had wed in the mid-1980s, and to our delight, the same Best Man and Maid of Honor graced the occasion, creating a beautiful moment that encapsulated the enduring love and unity this couple had cultivated throughout their lives.

In August 2022, I had the honor of witnessing Pastor Nyamaswa deliver a sermon during a kiriyo service held for a departed family member. His comforting presence in times of grief was a testament to his compassionate nature. I couldn't begin to count the numerous occasions when he led a delegation of friends and relatives to Gusaba. You could always count on him to bring the bride home. His life was marked by a steadfast commitment to serving others, consistently offering his support and a reassuring arm around your shoulder, in times of joy or adversity.

While I was composing this tribute, I tuned in to a live YouTube stream of the vigil held at Pastor Nyamaswa's home where an anecdote shared by the Vice Chancellor of UNILAK deeply resonated with me. The story revolves around a Liberian student studying at the University who tragically lost his life in an accident. In this trying time, Pastor Nyamaswa stepped in and took care of all the essential arrangements, including the repatriation of the student's body to Liberia. The parents of the deceased were reportedly deeply touched by his kindness and support during their darkest hour. This act not only reflected highly on him but also on the University and our Country.

Pastor Nyamaswa was undeniably a remarkable individual. His unique ability to make people feel at ease and his ever-present sense of humor endeared him to all. His family was renowned for its boundless generosity, extending kindness to friends, relatives, and even strangers. He treated everyone with warmth and respect, a virtue increasingly rare in our world today.

His life served as a radiant example, not only to me but to countless others who had the privilege of knowing him. His most enduring legacy was his family, including his accomplished children and the countless others he and his wife, Georgette, helped nurture, particularly in the aftermath of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

As we reflect on that memorable anniversary celebration, none of us could have foreseen that, just a decade later, we would be bidding our final farewells. His passing has imparted a poignant lesson - to cherish the moments spent with our loved ones and to create lasting memories, much like Pastor Nyamaswa did with all those he touched.

To Georgette and the entire family, we extend our deepest condolences and mourn alongside you. Mukomere.

As we bid our last farewell, we find solace in the belief that when the saints rise to eternal life, Pastor Nyamaswa will undoubtedly be among them.

Fare thee well, Papa Remy. We'll see you in the morning.

The writer is a family member of the deceased.