KCB, INES honour victims of 1994 Genocide

Students and staff of Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur de Ruhengeri (INES) and Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) in Musanze District on Friday commemorated the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Students and staff of Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur de Ruhengeri (INES) and Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) in Musanze District on Friday commemorated the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Organised separately, hundreds of mourners at INES and KCB staff marched to Muhoza Genocide Memorial site where they laid wreaths on the graves where more than 300 victims are buried.

Later, INES mourners held a vigil at their campus, while KCB staff visited vulnerable Genocide survivors in Muhoza Sector and donated food and other items.

The Rector of INES, Fr Dr Deogratias Niyibizi, who presided over commemoration prayers at the institution, told mourners that remembering should reinforce truth among Rwandans to further foster unity and reconciliation.

He urged the youth to work hard to build a strong and united nation free from any discrimination.

Claude Mazimpaka, KCB Musanze branch manager, said the bank was committed to work with Ibuka (an umbrella organisation for Genocide survivors associations) to support survivors not only during the commemoration period but also in other periods.


Survivors speak out

Rachel Nyiramafishi, a survivor, was all joy.

"When I was in secondary school, I had no hope for the future, I used to stay at school while others went for holidays. Now I run a small business selling cassava flour to survive, this support is significant for me but what was necessary is to see people around me, especially during this commemoration period,” said Nyiramafishi.

Nyiramafishi, for whom the district rents a house, appealed for any support to help her boost her business.

The Mayor of Musanze District, Winifride Mpemyemungu, advised the youth to take advantage of the current peace to develop the nation as well as uplift their livelihood.

"As youth who are studying you are future leaders, you have a duty to do your best to make our country better in the future as the current leadership invests a lot in you,” Mpemyemungu said.