Is there any hope in the Zimbabwe deal?

Dear editor,What do you expect when a man takes power by force and his opponents and the rest of the world rallies behind him in the so-called peace talks?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dear editor,
What do you expect when a man takes power by force and his opponents and the rest of the world rallies behind him in the so-called peace talks?

I do not see any thing good out of the peace talks/mediation/power sharing, Mugabe and Morgan are under-going.

The man in power is not bothered and has actually developed guts to ask the West to lift sanctions put on his government.

It was only yesterday when the Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe said that he would continue talks on a power sharing deal with the opposition despite reaching no deal so far.

The old man remains ‘clever’ as ever and he is now buying time to allow pressure within and without to cool down for the good of his legitimacy.

So when will this new African deal of power sharing after election rigging end? Africans seem to be adopting and adapting the the ‘bankrupt’ new order.

This is very unfortunate and African leaders should not embrace it for God’s sake.
