Basketball: Playoffs finals go to the wire as Patriots tie series 2-2
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Patriots' Ken Gasana with the ball during the playoffs finals Game 4 at BK Arena on September 14. Dan Nsengiyumva

Playoffs-finals, game 4


REG 65-78 Patriots

Playoff-finals, Game 4


REG 63- 54 APR

Patriots Basketball Club, on Wednesday, September 14, beat Rwanda Energy Group (REG) 78-65 to tie the best-of-five finals at 2-2 after game four.

Basketball fans will wait until Sunday, September 18, for game five which will decide this season's champion.

During Wednesday's encounter, The Patriots showed intent for a comeback from the early stages of the game as they outscored REG in the first two quarters.

The first quarter ended 14-11 and the second one 27- 10, meaning that by half time, The Patriots had a good 41-22 lead. In the second half, REG fought back to win the third quarter 22-15, and drawing the last one 22-22.

The Patriots' star shooting guard Kenneth Gasana posted a game-high 18 points. His compatriots Ntore Habimana and Gray Kendall added 13 and 12 points, respectively, as they made the very crucial comeback into the final series.

In the women's category, REG clinched the 2021/2022 league title on Wednesday evening after winning three games of the best-of-five series. Their opponents had won only one by the time of the fifth game.

During Wednesday's game, REG beat APR 63-54.

Ines Nezerwa played a key role for REG, scoring 26 points and making 17 rebounds. Her counterpart, Sandra Kantore, added 13 points.

By lifting the league title, REG women’s team booked a ticket to represent the country at the FIBA Africa Zone 5 club championship.