Torn between partying and preparing for a test?

At the start of university, everyone sits you down and tells you about how campus life is so tempting and if you don’t take caution then you are in trouble. For the ladies, there is always the unwanted pregnancy issue. And let’s not forget how easy it is to get expelled on account of bad behaviour. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

At the start of university, everyone sits you down and tells you about how campus life is so tempting and if you don’t take caution then you are in trouble. For the ladies, there is always the unwanted pregnancy issue. And let’s not forget how easy it is to get expelled on account of bad behaviour.  

Well, people try to warn us but we do not listen, especially when the time to have fun comes. My friends from a different class proposed that we go camping; girls from a different university were going to join us so you can imagine just how tempting this was. 

This was supposed to happen on a Friday morning, but I had a test on Monday morning. When I remembered the situation at home; how poor we are and how my father always says my graduation is the only thing that will take the family out of poverty, I decided against it and let the others go. 

One of the girls called me that afternoon and told me she had packed very skimpy attire. The responsibility I felt just moments before immediately took a hike and I quickly threw some clothes in a bag and left for the bus.

What happened during that time is not to be shared as a relative might read this and send me to my death too soon by telling my father. We left on Sunday around 2:00am. The ride to Kigali was itself another party that I will also not describe for security purposes. 

We got to Kigali at 4:00am and I don’t really remember how I got to my bed but I did. I woke up at around 4:00pm with red eyes. Ever seen someone who wakes up and immediately looks for food? Yes, that was me.

Time came and we had to pay for our sins and you won’t believe the excuses some students came up with. One idiot said to the lecturer on behalf of us all, "It rained heavily and our property was destroyed so we had to go back home and be with our families in this time of need.”

The professor looked at us and said, "If you were my children, I would cane you real hard. Go back and find another lie.” 

So we are still thinking of another lie; your creativity is most welcome…