We need flexible procurement laws

Editor, After reading the article, I have the following questions: Has anyone bothered to assess the transactional cost of public procurement in lieu of service delivery? Has anyone assessed damages brought about by decision-makers not willing to make contract amendment decisions even when warranted because of fear of going to jail?

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Reference is made to the story, "New law to ease public procurement, crack down on shoddy contractors” (The New Times, April 23).

After reading the article, I have the following questions: Has anyone bothered to assess the transactional cost of public procurement in lieu of service delivery? Has anyone assessed damages brought about by decision-makers not willing to make contract amendment decisions even when warranted because of fear of going to jail?

Contractors are in fear, local government officials are in fear, and the victims here are the tax-payers always – waste. We need lean laws attuned to our volume of projects, we are a flying country and so should our laws, lean and adaptable to an evolving context.

DM, Rwanda