Gout and you

Dear editor,I would like to advise reckless eaters that gout is at their doorsteps if they do not change.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dear editor,
I would like to advise reckless eaters that gout is at their doorsteps if they do not change.

Gout is an extremely dangerous disease that demands a lot in terms of health because it is associated with other diseases. An excess of uric acid in the body causes gout.

Uric acid results from the breakdown of Purines. Purines are part of all human tissue and found in many foods.

The excess can be caused by either an over-production of uric acid by the body or the under-elimination of uric acid by the kidneys.

In addition, the ingestion of foods high in purines can raise uric acid levels in the blood and precipitate gout attacks in some people.

If you are suffering from gout, there are certain foods that you should be avoiding. Of course, you might not agree with or even like the recommendations.

However, it is in the best interest of any person suffering from gout to know which foods are good for them and which foods they should avoid.

One thing that you should avoid, which is not so much a food, but it is ingested nonetheless is alcohol. Alcohol consumption could be the direct cause of gout in the first place.

However, when you do have gout, regardless of the reason of onset, alcohol should be avoided. The typical diet for a person suffering from gout, as recommended by physicians is foods that are low in protein and purines.

Though, the best advice is to consult with your physician and nutritionist, what you should be ready to do is to change your general lifestyle.