Punish treason suspects severely

Dear editor, After the arrest of ten suspects for treason, I am left wondering what these people were thinking.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dear editor, 
After the arrest of ten suspects for treason, I am left wondering what these people were thinking.

These treason suspects who were arrested indicate that they are still deluded by France’s colonial policies and have failed to understand that they were greatly fooled.

Holding on to illegal flags of the former regime and having suspicious writings is not wise in any way.

Instead of these men inciting other citizens with genocide ideologies, they should have instead given lessons about peace.

In this regard, I strongly believe that the people of Rwanda need to go past any genocide ideologies and move forward.

There is no reason to hold on to Rwanda’s terrible past. We are meant to learn from the experiences and find a solution to any difficult problem.

With France in the spotlight with her involvement in the Rwandan genocide, there is no room for her to engage any more Rwandans in dubious acts.

The Rwandan government should continue to halt any treachery and crack down suspects in this much-heated matter.

In addition, the suspects must be brought to justice and punished severely.