The Lord’s Grace compels us to bear with one another

A brighter future awaits all who look up to God. Race or colour does not exclude anyone from receiving the inner state of peace freely given to us all by God through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

A brighter future awaits all who look up to God. Race or colour does not exclude anyone from receiving the inner state of peace freely given to us all by God through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

If the men of valor in the Bible did not waver in glorifying God, but believed all His promises and waited to receive them with full expectation, how more should we acknowledge that God’s ways cannot be compared to human thinking?

Our father in faith, Abraham, waited expectantly for his promised son for 25 years and after relying whole heartedly Isaac came forth. Abraham could have lost hope now and then like every human being does. He was not a perfect man since he introduced Ishmael into God’s plan with the enticing help of his wife Sarah. 

Notably, do we also take life in our own hands and drive it to our own desires when all what God wishes to do is surround us with His love and keep us from all harm, from repeatedly making the same mistakes over and over again? We should learn that patience is an attribute of God we hardly take time to acknowledge yet it is to our own interest. Did you know the Spirit of God yields us to bear the fruit of patience in almost every sphere of our lives?

The Spirit of God, with your permission, will vividly show you when your patience runs out or flows freely. We must remember that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ compels us to bear with one another thorough love when a person wrongs you, when friends turned their backs on you or when persecutions arises for righteousness sake. 

Apostle Paul encouraged Timothy (in 2 Timothy 3:10) to pursue righteousness, faith, love, endurance, perseverance, sufferings and patience. Our aspiration to be like-minded with Jesus Christ will take us on the path of patience in all aspects; it is high time to be sober minded and bear the fruit of patience that will lead many to repentance at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ.