I hate people who...

Don’t tell me you do not have that annoying friend who, in the middle of a story, will bore you with that line of, “Ask me why? No! ask me why?”

Saturday, April 19, 2014

…say senseless things like, "ask me why” during a conversation. Don’t tell me you do not have that annoying friend who, in the middle of a story, will bore you with that line of, "Ask me why? No! ask me why?” Look here, if you are telling me a story then just do exactly that. Do not stop mid way to issue silly instructions. I thought I was listening to a story and not interviewing the story teller. 

…still have no problem wearing smelly socks in 2014. This is particularly for the men who give the rest of us a very bad name by wearing socks that smell like hot garbage. Surely what does it take to wash your socks? The other day someone visited me with very smelly socks that when he left I almost fled to exile. He left my floor was smelly and sticky. How I wish such people were born without legs that way they didn’t have to wear shoes and socks. 

…borrow a pen from you then find other nasty uses for it. There is this annoying breed of humans who borrow a pen but later decide to chew on one end of it while others even go further to think it can be used to clean their filthy ears. Now imagine the disgust when the owner of the pen finds out. Sincerely speaking these people make you wish some aliens could come and help us and take them to another planet.  

…think it is ok to say no offense just before they insult you. I am sick and tired of people who think that placing a few words before a statement make so much of a difference. Take for example the jokers who love saying, ‘No offense but…’ just before they go ahead to tell you something that is clearly offensive. Why don’t you just say what is on your mind. Others even say, I’m sorry to say but... reading this column does not make you an intellectual. 

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293.