How to dress for a wedding

If it has not happened yet, at some point one of your close friends will decide that he has had enough fun and is quitting the bachelors club. You will have an invitation card with your name on it. Below is how to see to it that your attire suits the occasion. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

If it has not happened yet, at some point one of your close friends will decide that he has had enough fun and is quitting the bachelors club. You will have an invitation card with your name on it. Below is how to see to it that your attire suits the occasion. 

The first rule is engraved on stone tablets; you cannot outdo the groom in dressing. Outdoing him is not necessarily wearing a sharper suit; it also means wearing an attention seeking outfit like a white suit when everybody else is in black. If you are not sure what everybody else will be wearing and do not want to stand out, a black or grey suit plays it safe and keeps you from looking like an attention seeker.

Jeans, a hanging shirt and sneakers or open shoes are out of the question on your friend’s wedding. It is probably the one day that means the most in his life and you showing up in jeans and sneakers is just plain offensive. It could send a message that you do not care that it is his big day and to you it is just an ordinary day.

A tie is never a must but weekend wear should be the last thing on your mind. At weddings, there are usually pretty single girls in sight who you might want to impress with your creativity which involves wearing sneakers over a well cut suit or a suit and an African print shirt.

Still on formal wear, you might have taken a while before slipping into a suit, so make sure it is fitting, not a few sizes smaller or if you were working out, not too big.

Of course, you wouldn’t want to be the guy people are pointing at because you have mismatched socks or because they are pink. If your friend is one of those who throw swanky ceremonies at the shores of Lake Kivu in Gisenyi, of course you cannot show up in a suit and tie, a more casual outfit that is not weekend wear can pass. Probably formal khaki pants and a tucked shirt.

There are also other smaller tips that go without saying like the importance of ironed outfits, minimal accessories and no hats unless you are hiding an ugly scar. Most important of all, if it is a close friend make sure you show up.