Why do I suffer from recurrent sty? ?

Dear doctor; I am 16 but since childhood, I have always suffered from sty infection on the eyelids. So far this year, I have endured three of these. I have tried many remedies, including cultural ones, in vain. What causes sty and why is it so common in my case? Theodore, Kibagabaga.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dear doctor;

I am 16 but since childhood, I have always suffered from sty infection on the eyelids. So far this year, I have endured three of these. I have tried many remedies, including cultural ones, in vain. What causes sty and why is it so common in my case?

Theodore, Kibagabaga.

Dear Theodore,

Sty is an infection of the eyelids. It is mostly a bacterial infection. Risk factors are poor hygiene like not washing eyes, touching eyes with dirty hands, not washing eye make-up before sleeping, use of old cosmetics or cosmetics causing allergy and itching, inflammation of eye lids, oily skin and conditions of impaired immunity like diabetes, HIV/Aids. Impaired vision and stress also increase susceptibility to form sty, as in both these conditions one tends to rub eyes and forehead frequently thus increasing the risk of infection. This is not a serious condition and can subside by itself. For treatment one can use antibiotic ointment over it or a short course of suitable antibiotic and anti inflammatory drugs. Even hot fomentation (a substance used as a warm moist medicinal compress) over the sty is useful. If there is a recurrent style, there are persistent risk factors present, which need to be rectified.