Mukura name 25 members killed in 1994 Genocide

Mukura Victory Sport has indentified 25 of their members, who were killed during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Mukura Victory Sport has indentified 25 of their members, who were killed during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The genocide claimed unknown number of players, coaches, administrators and fans across Rwandan sports, but it is believed that Mukura was hit hardest by the tragedy.

According to Mukura Secretary General Emmanuel Ntakirutimana, so far 25 of their members have been identified. Club officials claim the Huye-based side, one of the oldest in the country, lost over a 100 members affiliated to it.

"So far we have identified 25 members and we will continue to make more research because we need to know all of them although it is very difficult,” Ntakirutimana told Sunday Sport.

Since 1995, only Mukura has organised memorial tournaments in honour of their players, officials and fans, who died during the genocide, but due to lack of funds, the tournament has not been held for the last five years.

However, Ntakirutimana said they are still looking at how they can revive the tournament, "We are doing everything possible to have this event back on our annual calendar.”

The identified members include; Paul Gakuba, Faustin Ngarambe, Laurent Masabo, Kayitakire Athanase, Pierre Claver Karenzi, Pierre Nsonera, Félicien Ngango, Ntagorama, Joseph Ndakaza, Kanamugire, Servillien Karabaranga, Charles Mulindahabi, Faustin Mukubu Rucyahana.

Others are;  Rutiyomba, Rugema, Karongire, Emmanuel Kente, Camille Kayihura, Charles Sitaki, Théophile Rutagengwa, Jean Paul Musisi, Justin Rudasingwa, Martin Rutegazihiga, Eugène Mugirwa and Janvier Rutiyomba.