Oscar Pistorius’ saga is the epitomises volatility of life

If anyone needs a reminder of the unpredictability of life, look no further than Oscar Pistorius.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

If anyone needs a reminder of the unpredictability of life, look no further than Oscar Pistorius.

Who wasn’t inspired by the double amputee’s resilience back in 2012, when he was making headlines and endorsements were pouring in? He might not have won as many medals as his fans hoped he would, but just participating in the many races he did showed us all that with determination and hard work, you can achieve your dreams.

I started following the athlete on whichever social media platform I could find him, hoping I’d learn a thing or two about beating the odds to succeed. How sad that just months after the 2012 London Olympics, Pistorius’ life took a dramatic turn!

I remember the morning of February 14 as if it was just yesterday. Some media reports suggested early on that it was an accidental shooting and while it was tragic, it gave us a sense of relief.

No one wants their favourite athlete to be labeled a murderer. However, the more the prosecution pushed the premeditated murder charge, the more unconvincing Oscar’s account appeared to be.

My opinion of him has since changed. I have been following the trial and I’m sorry to say this but I think he’s not as innocent as he wants us to believe. I can’t say I have any insider information but there’s something about his howling, covering his ears and throwing up in court that gives the impression it’s all an act.

I could be wrong and those are indeed genuine reactions of a devastated man, a man who can’t forgive himself for shooting and killing his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day. I’ll go with my gut though. The way I see it, Oscar is headed to jail. Lucky for him though, it will not be life or the Death Penalty. He will be 53 when he comes out in 2039. Not too late to start over. Things have turned around for some people well into their fifties, so who knows! But that’s hard to imagine. It must be especially hard for Oscar because he has ‘tasted’ success. Once you get used to fast cars, posh restaurants and designer clothes, it’s tough to get back to nothing.

I read that he now has to sell his house to pay his legal bills. I doubt he still has any sponsors and it’s unlikely he’ll race again. Unless he was wise enough to invest some of his money, and I can bet he didn’t, given how celebrities burn through their cash, I see a bleak a future. There’s also the stigma.

Let’s say he gets away with it, people are always going to be pointing fingers, the same way we never look at alleged rapists or defilers the same. I don’t see Oscar getting a regular job when all this is over. I don’t see him enjoying the same status ever. Unless he moves to another country, gets a new name and lays low for the rest of his life.