After 20 years, our focus is on building a great nation

Editor, Reference is made to Pan Butamire’s article, “A patriot does not despair; they find solutions” (The New Times, April 5).

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Reference is made to Pan Butamire’s article, "A patriot does not despair; they find solutions” (The New Times, April 5).

I want to thank Mr. Butamire for reminding us of the superhuman self-control and willpower that we demanded of many of our compatriots in order to give all of us a chance not to become prisoners of our past.

As I read with utter contempt the comments and analyses or listen to some pretentious Western commentators on Rwanda, our governance, and our achievements over the last 20 years that are almost always accompanied with that "but”, I always think of the thousands of Augustins who have sacrificed so much to allow us to get here.

My heart bleeds for their loss, even as I silently thank them for their true ubutabazi (rescue).

Nothing gratifies me so much than knowing that I live and walk daily in the company of a multitude of true heroes, most of them anonymous, unassumingly going about their business (our business) of rebuilding Rwanda so that our nightmare of yesteryear never returns to our beautiful land.

Mwene Kalinda, Rwanda