Call for speedy enforcement of court orders

The Minister for Justice, Johnston Busingye, has called on legal practitioners to speed up enforcement of court decisions to avoid delaying justice.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Minister for Justice, Johnston Busingye, has called on legal practitioners to speed up enforcement of court decisions to avoid delaying justice.

Speaking at a swearing in ceremony of three non-professional bailiffs and two notaries at the Supreme Court on Tuesday, Busingye emphasized that justice delayed is justice denied.

"You should do the right thing at the right time. Denying people good service and respect is denying them their basic human right,” Busingye said.

Busingye reminded the officials of the heavy commitments they had been entrusted with and urged them to execute their duties with soberiety, selflessness, dedication and  honesty.

Nteziryayo Madjaliwa, the new Notary for Muganza Sector, Gisagara District, said he was aware of the demand of fairness that comes along with his office.

"I am proud to have been entrusted with such a big responsibility. I know it requires me to look beyond friendship and relationship and to be as fair as possible. I hope to serve every citizen with humility and dedication,” Nteziryayo said.

Joseph Habyarimana, a non-professional bailiff for Muyaga Cell, Mamba Sector in Gisagara District, is dedicated to supervise the execution of Gacaca judgments.

Non-Professional bailiffs are entrusted with powers to supervise the execution of judgements, decisions of competent administrative organs, and other legal orders.