Rwandans still expect France to apologise

Editor, After the Genocide, France has had three Presidents but none of them has shown any willingness to prosecute those who organised and planned the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


After the Genocide, France has had three Presidents but none of them has shown any willingness to prosecute those who organised and planned the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

When millions were being killed in Rwanda, France sent soldiers (under what they called Opération Turquoise) to shield the killers and confuse those who had managed to resist the killers that killing was over, like in Bisesero.

By doing all this and not owning up and apologising to the people of Rwanda, France thinks that being one of the world’s super powers, means Rwandans should get over it and keep quite. 

However, we the people of Rwanda, will talk about it and our grand, grand children will talk about it until justice is done.

Even the Nazis who killed Jews over 50 years ago are still being hunted.

France can do better than this, apologise, pay reparations then we shall get over it.

Mwakenya, MarylandUnited States

Reaction to the story, "France’s pullout from commemoration events out of guilt – survivors” (The New Times, April 7)