Frw18m spent on aiding teachers with skills

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE— The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), has trained 177 primary teachers in using teaching aids.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


NYAGATARE— The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), has trained 177 primary teachers in using teaching aids.

The six-week training that was completed last Friday at Rukomo 1 Primary School, attracted teachers from Karama, Gatunda, Mukama, Rukomo and Tabagwe sectors, Nyagatare district.

Lauben Rutare, the manager of ADRA’s Rwanda Integrated Rural Education Project (ADRA/RIREP) said that the trai ning was aimed at empowering participants with teaching skills in sciences, mathematics and English language subjects. About Frw18million was spent on the training.

"Our aim was to improve teaching skills in Nyagatare district. We have done this by providing these teachers with experts in teaching methodologies and other practical teaching,” he said.

Rajab Ddamulira, the coordinator, explained that the training was in two phases. The first phase covered the teaching methods and the second phase covered production of teaching aids.

The areas covered in English language teaching included; using verbs, alphabetical charts, conversation chats and poems. He observed that these teaching aids help pupils to grasp information easily.

Osee Ndahiro, deputy project manager said that they are optimistic that trained teachers will use the acquired skills to improve the teaching standards in the district and the nation at large.

He urged the teachers to go and give the acquired skills to their colleagues who did not get chance to attend the training.

"Our goal is to provide knowledge to our people. Your knowledge is power and if you have no knowledge everything you require can evaporate, he said, adding that their aim was to contribute to the government’s policy of poverty alleviation.

Ndahiro noted that they will follow up the trained teachers to see whether the acquired skills are being implemented.

Maria Utegarugore, a teacher at Rukomo 1 Primary School, and one of the trainees said that she would use the acquired skills to improve the standard of her school.
