Make the most of the Internet

For most teenagers and young people in general, the first thing that comes to mind when youmention the word ‘internet’ immediately is joining Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the like;nothing more. Although all these are good and worth a try, there is much more to the internet than that.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

For most teenagers and young people in general, the first thing that comes to mind when youmention the word ‘internet’ immediately is joining Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the like;nothing more. Although all these are good and worth a try, there is much more to the internet than that.

Those who have enjoyed the fruits of the Internet can testify that it is one massive treasure house with lots of goodies waiting to be discovered if you give it a try.

Depending on your tastes and interests, the Internet provides you with limitless opportunities to beinformed, educated, entertained and explore the world around you.

It has lots of information about variousthings so that you can browse through, boosting your knowledge, skills and creativity.

However, despite the riches it holds, not all of us benefit equally from using the Internet. The extent to which we do largely depends on what we do when we are online.

Two close friends, Patrick and Fred, providethe perfect example of this difference in how we may use the Internet.

Patrick loves YouTube and is always looking out forthe latest music videos andmovie trailers. He is also a perfect Facebook addict whose motto is ‘Hustle but stay connected’. Thus he is always online, but he does not benefit that much from it.

Fred, on the other hand, dedicates most of his free time on the Internet to reading inspirational speeches, quotes, articles and biographies ofdifferent successful people around the world. He goes an extra mileto dig deep into different educative and informative websites sothat he feeds his great appetite and curiosity for learning.

As if thatis not enough, heoccasionally studies extracourses online that are related to his career.In brief,Fred believes in living a life oflearning, exploring and discovering.The Internet haslargely made his dream-life possible.

When you talk to Fred you discover a creative,innovative, ambitious and smart young man with great skills and knowledge which makes him good company to many people as thereis a lot to learn from him. 

This simply shows how the internet can impact different people.

All it takes is willingness to learn and you will discover things beyondyour wildest imagination. Put in some extra effort to explore the remarkable opportunities and ideas on the Internet and reap big. Good luck!