RNP, Lottery Club partner to improve security in water bodies

The Rwanda National Police (RNP) and the Lottery Mariners club of Rwanda signed a Memorandum of Understanding on April 5 to cooperate in ensuring security and safety of businesses conducted in water bodies.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

The Rwanda National Police (RNP) and the Lottery Mariners Club of Rwanda signed a Memorandum of Understanding on April 5 to cooperate in ensuring security and safety of businesses conducted in water bodies.

The signing of the agreement held in Rubavu district was presided over by the Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of Administration and Personnel, Stanley Nsabimana, and Mastergerb Paul Birungi, who signed on behalf of the two respective institutions.

The partnership will see the club provide life jackets to be used by fishing cooperatives and those involved in water transport.

During the event, Lottery Club donated 100 life jackets to COOPTLAK, a transport cooperative operating in the Lake Kivu.

Nsabimana challenged COOPTLAK, the first beneficiary in this partnership, not to sell the jackets and to protect them jealously for the safety of their lives and passengers.

Lottery Club, which opened its doors in Rwanda in 1963, supports the health sector, orphanages and provides clean water to communities.

They also funded the construction of Kigali Public Library.

Deodonne Kabayija, who received the life jackets on behalf of COOPTLAK welcomed the support, which he said will improve safety in their business.

He, however, requested for periodic training, maps, compasses and signposts in waters to guide them.